Scotch Buns

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1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/2 cup soft butter or margarine
36 pecan halves
2 cups Bisquick baking mix
2/3 cup mashed ripe banana
2 Tablespoons soft butter or margarine
1/4 cup brown sugar (packed)


1) Heat kitchen appliance to 450 degrees F.

2) Place two teaspoons sugar, two teaspoons butter and three pecan halves
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in every of twelve medium gem cups. Place within the kitchen appliance to soften the sugar and therefore the butter.

3) Stir baking combine and banana to a soft dough. Gently sleek the dough into a ball on a floured cloth-covered board. Knead five times and roll dough into a parallelogram fifteen x nine inches.

4) unfold the parallelogram with two tablespoons of butter, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup sugar. Roll up tightly, starting at wide facet. Seal well by pinching the sting of the dough into roll.

5) dig twelve one 1/4 in. slices. Place the slices cut facet down into the gem cups. Bake ten minutes. directly invert pan onto receptacle or baking sheet. Leave pan over rolls for one minute.

6) Serve warm!

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