Fathead Pizza Crust Recipe (Low Carb Keto Pizza)

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    1 1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
    2 tbsp Cream cheese (cut into cubes)
    2 large Egg (beaten)
    1/3 cup Coconut flour


  • heat the kitchen appliance to 425 degrees F (218 degrees C). Line a
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baking sheet or pizza pie pan with parchment paper.
  • mix the chopped cheese and cubed cheese in a very giant bowl. Microwave for ninety seconds, stirring halfway through. Stir once more at the top till well incorporated. (**See notes for various to the microwave.)
  • Stir within the overwhelmed eggs and coconut flour. Knead along with your hands till a dough forms. If the dough becomes onerous before absolutely mixed, you'll be able to microwave for 10-15 seconds to melt it.
  • unfold the dough onto the lined baking pan to 1/4" or 1/3" thickness, victimisation your hands or a kitchen utensil over a bit of parchment (the kitchen utensil works higher if you've got one). Use a strip or fork to poke millions of holes throughout the crust to forestall effervescent.
  • Bake for six minutes. Poke additional holes in any places wherever you see bubbles forming. Bake for 3-7 additional minutes, till golden brown.

source http://recipetocooking.blogspot.com/2019/03/fathead-pizza-crust-recipe-low-carb.html
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