sheer khurma recipe

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    Milk - 750 ml or 3 cups
    Vermicelli/seviyan - 3/4 cup
    Ghee - 1  tablespoon
    Condensed milk - 4 tablespoon
    Almonds Cashew nuts, Pistachios  - 10 to 12, sliced
    Soft Dates - 10 de-seeded, chopped
    Cardamom powder - 3/4  teaspoon
    Kewra essence or rose water - 1 teaspoon
    Saffron strands
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for garnish


  • Heat drawn butter into a pan, add seviya (vermicelli) and roast until it reaches to gentle brown color. Then keep Aside.
  • Roast cashew kooky, almonds and pistachio within the same pan while not adding additional drawn butter. Then keep aside.
  • Place a sauce pan over medium heat and add milk to that. Let the milk return to a boil.
  • once milk starts boiling, add milk and keep the flame to low. Keep stirring in between for avoiding from sticking out all the way down to the pan.
  • once the milk gets to almost 3/4 rth of its amount, add seviya into it and cook for eight to ten minutes or until they get soften.
  • Add the roast kooky, soft dates, cardamom powder. Cook for two minutes on low by stirring unendingly.
  • close up the gas. Add kewra essence or rose-water. Then take it come in a dish and garnish with dry fruits and saffron strands.
  • Sheer khurma is prepared to serve. you'll be able to serve it heat or chilled.

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