Strawberry Trifle.

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4 cup milk
2-3 tbsp vanilla custard powder
4 tbsp sugar
1 cup strawberries (sliced)
2 cup heavy cream
½ cup confectioners’ sugar
12 oz prepared pound cake (cubed)


1. Boil milk in an exceedingly sauce pan and deed ¼ cup cold
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milk in an exceedingly cup.
2. Add sugar and let it cook with milk for five min.
3. Dissolve dish powder within the reserved milk and so slowly add it to the poached milk and stir endlessly whereas adding in order that lumps of dish wouldn't kind and it mixes well within the milk.
4. once the dish gets thick take away the pan from heat and permits it to chill.
5. meantime beat cream with confectioners’ sugar till stiff peaks square measure shaped.
6. currently take the serving glass bowl, unfold few items of cake at all-time low, place slices of strawberries at the facet walls of bowl and pour ready dish over the cake layer. once more build layer of cake associated strawberries in similar fashion and pour topping on over the cake and so place in refrigerator to sit back for a minimum of an hour.
7. enhance the delicious trifle strawberry with strawberry slices and edible flowers.

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