Chocolate Cardamom Tahini Truffles

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    1 400g can of chickpeas - or 240g cooked chickpeas
    1 cup (140g) soft dates - if you're using hard dates, soak them in hot water for 15 minutes to soften then
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drain and rinse before adding to the blender.
    3/4 cup (100g) oat flour (plain oats blended into a flour in the food processor)
    3-4 tbsp cocoa/cacao powder
    1/4 cup (4 tbsp) tahini
    1/2 tsp cardamom powder
    2 tbsp cacao nibs - optional
    Pinch of salt
    Sesame seeds or shredded coconut to coat


Add the chickpeas, dates and spread to your mixer and mix till you've got a sleek mixture.
Add the oat flour, cocoa/cacao, cardamom and a punch of salt. Continue mixing till everything is well distributed.
Fold within the angiospermous tree nibs (if victimisation any) then begin shaping into balls.
Coat with the benne seeds or chopped coconut.

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